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Making sense of business,naturally.

We help businesses make sense of the challenges and opportunities they face - so they have a clear sense of direction and purpose.

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We are an advisory business helping companies and their leadership teams navigate change, disruption, growth, and uncertainty.

Our work gives strategic purpose and momentum — often liberating resources by making them more connected and efficient.

Core outputs are confidence, clarity, enterprise value, and more focused people.

We work in the present — but can scenario plan for future eventualities. ​

Our work is founded on extensive C Suite experience, intellectual rigor and the forensic analysis of a company's eco-system - how it is connected ( or unconnected ) and where its systems are unproductive or failing. 


But critically, guided by an intuitive sense of what actually makes business sense.

We view this through a local/global lens across market category, geography, competitive set and company life stage.

​Our nature-inspired holistic approach to strategy helps create a responsive business ecology.

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Service Offerings

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Enterprise Strategy

Help craft the present— and shape the future — enterprise and its leadership story. This is facilitated from an "outside-in" holistic perspective in partnership with a leadership team.

Through the lens of business ecology — a nature-inspired holistic approach to strategy — work with organizations and their leadership teams to effectively navigate and execute:​

  • Enterprise strategy

  • New business models 

  • Growth challenges

  • Enterprise transformation

  • Company turnarounds

  • New ventures

  • Intellectual property commercialization

  • Technology transfer

Not a “write a white paper and run” practice. Rather, will immerse with the client organization to co-create and execute recommendations. The focus is on the enterprise’s needs and agenda, not our own.

Leadership Support
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Coming from a systems thinking lens, as well as having sat in the chair of being a CEO and entrepreneur, I offer a unique set of eyes, ears, and experience to walk the talk with leaders as they navigate the complex leadership journey.


It is a whole person's journey. One with which I am familiar and experienced. This includes deep listening and dialogue. A journey I facilitate and support, including asking and helping to address difficult questions — which often uncover new opportunities.

Entreprenuership Support

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The journey of entrepreneurship is not a solo endeavor. I have entrepreneurship in my DNA. Several generations in fact. I have worked with entrepreneurs and venture creation for over 20 years.


I have served as a turnaround CEO of a water technology company and supported leaders and their teams through my professional practice over that time.​ And while I have taught graduate-level entrepreneurship and leadership, I believe entrepreneurs and leaders are enabled more than taught.

Addressing Critical Truths

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Do you have a "back burner" of issues, a vision, or a critical truth that may be a key to your future and your enterprise that you delay addressing year after year?  Did the pandemic bring them and other issues to the front burner?  


I work with entrepreneurs, CEOs, boards, and thought leaders who are looking for a place to go deeper into issues that are important to an organization.​ It could be the need for a new business model.  The turnaround of a company. A broken and dysfunctional system.  Aligning the culture of the company with a new vision and purpose. Post-pandemic trauma. Prototyping new business models or processes “offline” from core business.


This could include serving as an interim Co-CEO




Brad Rendle
Rendle - Business Sense™

Rendle - Business Sense™

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I have been there both as a CEO and working with Boards and executive teams, thus bring both an experienced and consultative perspective to leadership challenges and demands.

A creative systems thinker, I have a natural ability to see beyond obvious horizons for systems approaches and solutions to a business opportunity or dilemma.   


My skills and passions include curating and connecting original thinkers and doers to deliver solutions to complex problems.


I have worked with cross-cultural, geographic and generational teams – in person and virtually – for over two decades.

My ultimate value is as a committed and trusted confidant to leaders as they face their own and their organization’s moments of critical truth (s).


From developing a new business strategy or model to a company turnaround to leadership transitions, I embrace complexity and work alongside leaders as they navigate their own complex leadership and organizational journey.

Click on the image for a short video on The Rendle Company and Business Sense™.

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